I would now like to talk to you about relations with the local population.
During our early visits, especially in the Niagara region, we noted that various ports were lacking space to expand. That is an ongoing problem. I know that, in the case of your port, there is a problem related to the construction of an overpass, and that project has different implications for the population—let's put it that way.
I would like to know two things.
When it comes to the construction of that overpass, you are eager to proceed. Is that because you truly believe it to be the best solution or because you are a bit rushed because the subsidy for that construction is time-limited?
What do you think about the proposal by Marjolaine Boutin-Sweet's office to have the federal government acquire a number of non-public spaces south of the Hochelaga riding?
I am under the impression that all these issues are related and that you can enlighten me better than anyone else.