Thank you for your answer, and thank you for your patience. We went in camera earlier because there was a motion on the floor. I've said in a few different venues that I think the idea of going in camera for what are really substantive motions for the committee is a bad practice. I know that witnesses are often interested to know what the committee is discussing in its deliberations.
I'd like the committee now to consider a motion that the committee suspend its study of Bill C-10 for 12 months, effective at the end of this meeting, and that the committee call on the Government of Canada to work with Air Canada and the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers to develop a business plan for performing Air Canada's maintenance overhaul and repair work in Canada competitively under the existing terms of the Air Canada Public Participation Act.
It's my hope that we won't have to go in camera in order to consider that motion, but I'm prepared to do so if that's the will of the committee.