Absolutely. Thank you for the question.
We do need to enforce the act. On that side note you raised, I think the centre of excellence is a great thing, but it should not replace living up to the obligations we have under the act.
Do we need a centre of excellence? We should have one. Is Winnipeg a good place for one? Absolutely. As you've heard, we have a lot of innovation, skilled workers, and the ability to have trained staff take on those roles. However, that doesn't let Air Canada off the hook for the commitment it made.
When it was established, an act was put in place and a promise of having jobs that did maintenance and service work in different regions of this country was established. We've lost those jobs. They moved away from their responsibility and had another entity, Aveos, under them providing that work, and that's folded up.
They need to renew the commitment they've made. Right now there are people who have those skill sets, who I'm not sure are all fully employed where they are. There's certainly the capacity here for us to step up and live up to that. I know our aerospace industry is thriving and could fill that void. Air Canada owes it to us and our government to make sure that act is enforced.