Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
This has been most instructive. Once again, may I congratulate Mr. Brian Pallister and all of his team for their fine victory in Manitoba's last provincial election. We are very happy to have you here again with us to be able to talk about it.
I will go back to Mr. Rebeck in a few moments, but for now I want to speak to you, Ms. Stefanson.
I would like you to tell us a bit about your program. What does the Manitoba government intend to do to convince the federal government not to move too quickly on Bill C-10? We also believe the Act to amend the Air Canada Public Participation Act needs to be modernized. We also think Air Canada has to become more competitive. However, there is no reason to rush things. The official opposition is in complete agreement with you on that.
What is your game plan to try to convince Mr. Garneau to delay the adoption of Bill C-10 to the fall?