That's, in fact, what we're trying to do here, as I mentioned to the witnesses we had here last week. Sustainability, jobs, and industry, and there was a balance they were trying to strike with respect to allowing a more competitive environment for Air Canada while at the same time, as you're stating, sustaining if not growing those jobs. It goes to the centres of excellence and the critical mass that the centres of excellence can actually accrue over time with respect to their asset management and returns on investment.
Again, it goes back to that balance, hence the reason I'm asking both the government of the Province of Manitoba—as we would ask the Province of Ontario and the Province of Quebec—as well as the Federation of Labour what some of those balances should be in terms of trying to add some benefit to the environment with respect to Air Canada being more competitive, and from the federation side with respect to sustaining and growing the jobs. What would some of those amendments be? That's what I'm trying to drill down on, because it is a partnership. I'm trying to pull out of you what some of those recommendations are.