Thank you very much.
Notwithstanding the very important subject that's before us and the fact that we do have witnesses here, given Mr. Rogers is taking the opportunity to table a motion that he put on notice, I would like to take a minute or two to do the same.
This is in regard to the motion that you would have received on March 27. It reads as follows:
Given the recent tragedies involving the Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft and the ongoing investigations, that the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities undertake a study of four meetings in regards to Transport Canada’s aircraft certification process including, but not limited to, the nature of Transport Canada’s relationship to the Federal Aviation Administration and other certifying bodies as well as the role of airplane manufacturers in the certification process.
I submit that it's a pretty timely study, given the recent tragedies, and I put that forward for the committee to consider.