You were good with that last year.
It's certainly an appropriate motion, for sure.
Not seeing any further discussion, we'll vote on Ms. Block's motion, as she has read it out and it is properly before us.
(Motion negatived)
Thank you very much.
We'll move on to the orders of the day. Our apologies to our really important witnesses, but we have to try to keep business going in the two hours that we have.
From the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board, Ms. Fox is before us again, as well as Jean Laporte, chief operating officer, and Kirby Jang, director of rail and pipeline investigations.
From the Royal Canadian Mounted Police we have Superintendent Jamie Solesme, director of policy and programs, national criminal operations, and Sergeant Trent Entwistle, manager, national collision reconstruction program.
Welcome to all of you and our apologies for the delay.
Ms. Fox, would you open up the discussion, please.