Okay. Perfect.
Madam Chair, we all think this is a very important issue. According to Infrastructure Canada's website, over $7 billion is being delivered to Crown- Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada and Indigenous Services Canada. Most of that funding is being delivered through Indigenous Services, almost $7 billion, in fact. The Prime Minister himself has stated that nothing is more important than the relationship with indigenous peoples, and in fact, he would like reconciliation to be the legacy of this government.
With that being said, I would like to move the following motion, and I hope the time will pause:
That the Committee invite the Minister of Indigenous Services to appear, no later than Friday, May 17, 2019, to update the committee on the status of delivering Infrastructure directly to Indigenous communities, including the doubling of the Gas Tax Fund, announced in Budget 2019.
We would like a recorded vote on that, Madam Chair, knowing that each vote on this is a vote on reconciliation with indigenous communities.