Thank you, Madam Chair.
I also support the motion on the substance. However, I wonder if my colleagues would be open to a friendly amendment so that when we organize these meetings, we can take what is already on our agenda into account. When I look at the agenda you sent us, I see there are about five potential time slots, without making any assumptions about the date the House will decide to adjourn its work for the summer.
The study on trade corridors will not conclude before the end of the session, and that study should be continued after the election of the next government, no matter which one it is. I think the study has inherent value. We should be able to accept this motion and respect the studies that are already on our calendar. There is one on seatbelts that is not complete. We also have some time reserved for trade corridors on our calendar. There are the various motions that we voted on this morning. It seems to me that that is a lot for the four or five potential time slots we have left.