If I may, Mr. Champagne, I'll pick up on that comment. Let's talk about innovation and projects.
In your presentation, you referred to $28.7 billion in infrastructure for public transit. That's a nice envelop to finance an HST or HFT. You spoke about $26.9 billion in green infrastructure. Imagine if that train were electric. I think it is precisely what we need. You spoke of $25.3 billion in social infrastructure. If we're talking about transporting workers, students and seniors, that is the situation. You also spoke about $10.1 billion in trade and transport infrastructure. I think everything is there for this to work.
Let's remember that the bank was supposed to fund—or will fund—only projects of $100 million or more. If memory serves, one of the biggest projects in Trois-Rivières was the construction of the amphitheatre. That was about $63 million. However, we don't qualify at all for those projects. Nevertheless, when it comes to a $4-billion HFT project, now we're talking.
Are you delaying the announcement of the HFT because you want a public infrastructure to be funded by the Infrastructure Bank?
Do you think there will be a direct impact on the cost of a ticket at the end of the process?