Thank you, Madam Chair.
As my colleague mentioned, due to the fact that it's been almost a year since this was put on notice, I think it's only appropriate that we propose a couple of short amendments.
I would ask that the two words “newly appointed” be removed. I'd also ask that a timeline be imposed so we can ensure these meetings take place before the House adjourns, and also that it be a televised meeting as many Canadians have questions about the status and the work the bank is doing.
Those would be the amendments—removing the two words “newly appointed” and adding a timeline—and we can either put a specific time or say prior to the adjournment of the House. We would propose that the amended motion would read:
That the committee invite Pierre Lavallée, the president and CEO of the Canada Infrastructure Bank, to provide an update on the Canada Infrastructure Bank, no later than May 3, 2019, and that the meeting be televised.