Thank you very much for the question.
There are just a few points to raise on this one.
First of all, we do work very closely with first nation communities in terms of their plans. As was previously mentioned, the first nations infrastructure investment plan that is developed on an annual basis lays out the five-year needs in every single first nation community. Our regional offices work very closely with every single first nation community to have a sense of what's in there, what's going forward, and then the funding that can be allocated to that based on the national priority ranking framework and the priorities of the first nation community.
Moving forward though as well, we do take a look at what is the longer term in moving into more asset management types of frameworks.
We recognize that asset management is still a work in progress in first nation communities and in non-indigenous communities across the country.
There is a program, a $15 million over five years program, that we support and that is being used to increase the capacity of first nation communities to do asset management and asset management planning. That funding goes out until 2022-23. It is a process that comes in. There's a call for proposals out right now. When that comes in, it will be chosen this summer. This is the second year of their program. It can cover off a number of different things, including awareness planning and actually implementing the asset management plan in there. That allows us to get a sense of working with the first nation community and giving the tools to the first nation community and expertise to the first nation community for them to do their longer-term asset management as well.