Thanks. I think you bring up a good question, because we certainly see that there are silos for the different modes of transportation. Speaking for the port community, I think that as we evolve as ports, we realize that we have to be multimodal hubs. For example, on the Hamilton project, we worked very closely with the rail. One of the key components in that project was to improve accessibility by rail to the port and that interface with marine.
You do bring up a valuable point, and I think there are a number of different groups now that are trying to tie together the transportation modes. However, at this stage, you're right that there's been a lot of silo thinking, and possibly the NTCF could change its structure or someone could actually apply for the fund to create something that allows us to tie together. Today it's very specific in that the entity that applies has to provide the matching funds as opposed to it representing a conglomeration of different funds.