I totally understand the first part, although I did know a resolution is the same as a motion; whatever. I totally disagree with the August 1 date. I'll tell you, no producer in Alberta is going to be happy that we're saying that maybe next May or June we might start studying interswitching. If it's that urgent, and I agree it's way up high on the producers' priorities, let's say by November 2016. Let's make it a priority. Then as members we can agree we think it's urgent enough, let's move it forward in our priorities.
I don't agree with saying we're going to study it by August 1, 2017. It's nonsensical. First of all, we don't even meet in July and August, so let's say by December 2016. It will show that we see the urgency in it and we're going to adjust our schedule. That's what I would suggest. Then I'd be happy with it.