Yes, I didn't intend any of my motions to be secret. I presumed that they were shared with everybody the minute I submitted them.
One of them was on drones, and my understanding was that we were going to actually proceed with drones, and then suddenly we weren't proceeding with drones. I think it's something that is clearly of concern in every community and clearly a concern to the minister. I think it would be well worth proceeding with one or two meetings on that. I think it's really important to all our communities.
My other one was on the chapter on northern transport in the Emerson report, which is seen as the new economic frontier for Canada. There is great concern about the opening up of the Arctic, and I just think it was a discrete piece from Emerson that really merited review. The needs of the north have not really received any attention whatsoever, probably in the last decade, the needs of the north in infrastructure, frankly, and transport.
I still stand that those would be my preferences, frankly, to proceed with.
As we prepare to go forward, I think that Mr. Badawey's is a big one and I think it's going to take us time. Over the summer we're going to be preoccupied with barbeques and whatever. Try to dedicate your mind to who would be witnesses. I think it's going to be a challenge in some cases. Because of the decision on the rail safety review, I'm going to be much more strident in insisting that we have much better representation from across Canada than just some members getting their ridings showcased.
So if we're going to be looking at hubs, we'd better be fair. The north is not the north; the north is the Yukon, which has totally different needs from the Northwest Territories, and there are totally different transportation needs in Nunavut, and totally different needs in all the northern areas of the provinces. So there is actually a big issue that's raised, and may even come up in the Emerson report, about discriminating against the northern parts of all of our provinces, which have been calling for more attention to hubs as opposed to just in the south.
I would prefer that we have more discussions in all of this array because we can't study everything. I think it would be good over the summer for people to go away and read as much as they can, confer in their ridings or in their region, find out what the bigger issues are, and what would be some good case studies to showcase.