There will be another round of questions, Mr. Hardie.
The next five minutes are set aside for a member of the official opposition. Since that is generally the side I sit on, I am going to take the liberty of asking you a question, Mr. Emerson.
Earlier, you mentioned that the Canadian rail network is class one and one of the most efficient in the world. The rail network that links small communities to that class one, best-in-the-world network is likely the 250,000th best network in the world. It’s probably one of the worst.
In my region, there is a lot of pressure on local communities to dismantle the railways and make them into bike paths and walking trails.
I would like to hear what you have to say about this trend in rural areas. If you have a message for us, I would like to know exactly what you think about this trend we are witnessing, not only where I live, but also in a number of small communities that are seeing their railways being transformed into bike paths.