Yes. There is a commodity supply chain table that was established by the previous administration. MAC is represented by a member company, and I know that other industry associations and industries are also represented, as well as the railways.
I would also caution you that the discussion around that table to date has been limited through a reluctance to engage in substantive data sharing and analysis.
The only other piece that I would add to the context is with respect to the current data that the grain industry shares. I've said it is fantastic, and they should be commended, but it's not capacity data. I think it's really important to draw that distinction. I follow that data.
The grain industry recently has been getting better support from a cars-ordered versus cars-delivered standpoint. We still have no idea of what's happening in the rest of the network as a result. That could be CN and CP knowing that they're under the microscope, wanting to appear to be delivering good service everywhere, and being able to point to it through grain statistics. It's a challenging situation, despite good steps forward.