What you're speaking of is combining the strengths and, therefore, the strategies: commercial, recreational, environmental, and dealing with the issues, but are they being dealt with? A lot of times they're not because we don't have an agency or a one-stop shop that we can go to, whether it be at the provincial, delegated by the federal government, or at the federal level. My point is that the process needs to be strengthened. You show your strategic plans and sometimes, because of those processes not being strengthened, they sit on the shelf.
When we look at watershed management, appeals, tribunals that would deal with those appeals, environmental issues and the challenges attached to them, when we look at funding and, as you spoke about earlier, leveraging that funding at all levels of government and organizations, would you find it would be a lot easier and a lot more streamlined if we had a one-stop shop, an agency that would look after that and deal with all issues, versus being ad hoc or knee-jerk and having legislation changed because of individual issues?