I'm not sure if this particular act is where it belongs, but I do think that federal oversight is lacking here because of the changes that were made. I think it's important not just because of the jurisdictional issues, but also because of the lead the federal government provides to other levels of government in terms of their decision-making processes. It's very much a trickle-down.
What the federal statute says is what the province looks at is what the municipalities look at, and so I think that oversight needs to be restored somehow. It's probably left to greater minds than mine about whether this is the appropriate legislation, but it certainly could be, given that oversight was previously there. But I do recognize that, in all that, you as legislators always have to try to strike a balance to ensure that the smallest of projects is not being held up unduly on that side by obstreperousness, or court challenges, or regulatory hoops they have to jump through while still at the same time protecting people's right to navigate on those waters.