Last year I entered into a project with Defence Research and Development Canada specifically to deal with countermeasures and what we might be able to use to intercept a UAV that's flying in a location that it shouldn't be. We tried everything from paintball guns to our intervention options, such as a taser, a water cannon, our service pistol, and the C8 carbine. We tried all of that kinetic response. What we found was that a net gun may be an effective tool for us.
We have looked at different net gun companies. This technology is brand new. The net guns were basically designed to capture wildlife. Now, with the UAV component, some of those companies are changing their technology. In addition to capturing animals, they're trying to increase their range to be able to capture a UAV. We also tried jamming technology.
We came up with a recommendation for the RCMP through the DRDC project. At this time, with the technology the way that it is, an effective response would be either a net gun or jamming technology.