The technology is great, and we should make the regulations performance-based so we don't limit what technology can do.
A great example would be requiring a performance-based standard in all of them so that as the unit begins to lose signal, before it loses signal, or immediately after it loses signal, it immediately lands. Those kinds of technologies would be in the performance. It would be part of the design standard that the technology must accomplish this. The same kind of thing would apply if it was nearing the end of its battery life in flight. It would need to land.
Where we have databases, we could consider databases of registered air drones. There are roughly 1,000 registered air drones. You could build into the software that it must contain the locations, and that they can't fly in those locations.
That's a bit of an impediment for commercial operations. They might in fact be permitted. Again, that's the sort of thing that I think you can do quite easily with technology, with a performance standard that says the unit must perform in such a way.