I can, and I appreciate what you've said about looking at mobility from the viewpoint of pursuing walkable, bikeable, and public transit alternatives to simply getting in your car.
Going back to my statements about driverless vehicles, if we feel somehow that they're the panacea that's going to solve all our problems, you know from living in metro Vancouver that this means somebody in Abbotsford is going to get into a driverless vehicle and say, “This is fine. I'll just drive to work.” It doesn't make a lot of sense.
The one thing I didn't mention is that I run a transit-oriented development practice across North America, and when I travel to other cities, I talk about two success stories. One certainly is Vancouver and the fact that I believe Vancouver is the only major city in North America where vehicle trips have gone down significantly over the last few years. The other one is Portland, Oregon, and the fact that it was blessed with small blocks, but early on, when it embraced light rail transit it, looked at it not as a utility but as a city-shaper. Over the course of 40 years it has become probably the most integrated transit city in North America.
It really goes back to what I'm suggesting: if we're looking at driverless vehicles, we have to understand the whole mobility ecosystem. To do that, you have to understand your land use as well.