I have just one quick question, and maybe this is something you could submit your ideas about off-line, just so my colleagues will have more time to ask their questions.
For federal infrastructure projects, we have three buckets: transit, social, and green. Rather than just being an ATM for the provinces and the municipalities—you know, “Here's money; go off and do something”—I need your recommendations regarding a framework under which the federal government could actually see the value-add going in as these investments are being made. By value-add I mean supporting livable communities but also supporting a better economy.
As we've seen on the health side, there are some issues when the federal government tries to suggest what other levels of government should do with federal funding, and so I'd like your thoughts, either now or off-line, about what kind of framework or relationship agreement needs to be established between the levels of government so that when we do allocate money into infrastructure, we have a reasonable assurance that it's going to have a cumulative value-adding effect.
Do we have time for an answer on that?