That's a very good question. At the heart of everything we do and have done for three decades now, if you think of how we're integrated in the infrastructure, safety and security are absolutely core to what we do. If you tie that to BlackBerry, this is where BlackBerry has a real opportunity. It's a Canadian company. If you think of the BlackBerry handsets, they're absolutely the most secure handsets on the planet. There's no argument about that. In all of my travels, in all of my meetings on a global basis, there's absolutely no question and this never gets questioned.
What we're doing at BlackBerry, for instance, is that we're taking that expertise and that technology and we're introducing it into the automotive industry and into all of the infrastructure—and I'll say devices—that QNX is in, because, to your point, within the automotive industry there have been some well-publicized security breaches. It was really a wake-up call for the industry. Security has always been important in all of the devices we have in the automotive industry, because of the vehicle changes. If you affect the security of a vehicle, you will compromise the safety of a vehicle. They go absolutely hand-in-hand.