Yes. In particular, the U.K. government and even the one in the States are funding it, but these communities got together and created their own board of directors. It's somebody that the government is funding, but they're doing their own thing.
One point I like to make is that sometimes in Canada we tend to like to give a lot of money to high-tech companies—sometimes in Waterloo because it looks like a safe place to do it—but I would recommend the U.K.'s approach. They are giving the money to the cities and getting a twofer; they claim they are getting two for one. They want the cities to create demonstrator projects to have 1,000 to 2,000 people using it—not 300, and not a pilot—and they know the money is going to go to the companies, which then are well positioned to capture the export market.
The government has set a goal of trying to capture 10% of the smart cities export market. That market today is $1 trillion a year, and that's $100 billion. That's bigger than the European trade thing we're doing and bigger than what we're talking to Mr. Trump about. It's a big export market, and we're not addressing it. I wanted to throw that into the record as well.