I think that trying to engineer the desires of the population is a really slippery slope. Regrettably, we're now experiencing the result of that with the community schools and some of the programs we had in northern Canada. That attempt to engineer society, to do something it didn't want to do, didn't work out so well, so I think that trying to do that again would be a bad idea.
People will go where they want to go. All we can do then is to try to accommodate that as best we can. If you choose to live in New Glasgow for some good reasons, then let's try to make that community able to support that. Do we want to see the hollowing out of all of rural Canada into municipalities? I don't think so. There is some tweaking around the edges, but the reality is that this is where people are going, especially young people. That's where they choose to be. I think if we try to reverse-engineer that somehow, we'll be setting ourselves up for a lot of unintended consequences that might not work out for us.