Thank you very much. I'll be sharing my time with my colleague.
I want to pick up on a couple of observations that were made early on in testimony.
Mr. Lazenby, you talked about increased urbanization, and you referenced it again. We tend to think about this happening more in developing nations, but we see this right here in Canada. I want to follow up on that. Is that necessarily the best thing to be happening in a country the size of Canada? Is that driven by the policies of a government, or are government policies following the population? I think that's a good debate that we need to have.
We talk about small, medium, and large communities, and I appreciate Mr. MacKay's observation that we're not talking about smart cities, but smart communities. There's perhaps a regional focus that needs to take place when we talk about smart communities, because small communities can't do it on their own. There is an interdependence here between urban and rural Canada.
I'm wondering if you could speak to our attending to not only smart cities but also having a smart rural component to what we are talking about. Then I'd really like you to talk more about government regulatory freedom, because to me that sounds like an oxymoron.