I still get the sense that we had exactly the same exchanges, with very few differences, with the previous government. It seems to me that the culture is not emerging very quickly on that side.
On page 4 of the report, you refer to the Canada Infrastructure Bank and two things drew my attention.
First, I still have some serious reservations on the very notion of this bank. In my opinion, it is going to make us pay more for infrastructures that could be funded directly by the government.
In addition, you say that “the federal government would eventually share some of the risk inherent in the bank's investments”. Not only will we mobilize $15 billion that could have been allocated directly to infrastructure, and transfer this money to the bank to create leverage so as to attract private capital, but we would also share part of the risk and pay higher interest, because we would have to pay 7% to 9% to those who will contribute to funding this.
Is this really the best way to finance updating our infrastructures?