I'm sorry, “You can't drive on the Toyota roads or the Ford roads, but only the Subaru roads. The more roads Subaru builds, the better your life is going to be.” That's insane. None of us would ever expect that, but it used to be that way back in the day. If I built a road, it was my road. If you wanted to ride on my road, you had to pay me to ride on my road. I could decide who could and couldn't ride on my road. That was back at the time of Confederation. Of course, we realized that was insane, so we stopped doing that.
Recently, I joined one of the largest land developers and builders in the city of Ottawa, the Regional Group. We're building a big residential area right now of 3,000 homes. One thing that surprises me is that the city is going to tell us exactly how much parkland we need, exactly how long the roads need to be and exactly how high the curbs need to be and exactly where the sidewalks need to be; exactly how much power we need to put in and where we can can can't put those power lines; and exactly the amount of water that has to go in, but they're silent on bandwidth. But bandwidth is the new utility. It's the new energy. It's the new infrastructure upon which everything else is going to have to sit.
Mr. MacKay, with his parking meters, has a big bandwidth issue, I'm sure, and probably pays a fortune for connectivity through Rogers or Bell or somebody else. It is crazy, in my opinion, that we have not yet said that we need to control this, that we need to regulate this.
I spent 20 years in government, and one of the questions we always had was about what government could do versus what it should do. I think what we have all agreed to is that government should be making sure the infrastructure is in place, which the private sector can then build on. The infrastructure part that we're missing right now is that bandwidth.
As I said the other day, it would be comical if it weren't so sad that Hydro Ottawa, OC Transpo, Bell, Telus, and Rogers were all digging up the same streets laying fibre, side by side and not sharing amongst each other. It's crazy. The best cities in the world are doing that.
Chattanooga called themselves the Gig City. Now they call themselves 10-Gig City, because they can provide 10 gigabytes to desktops for $200 a month. That is insane. The really crazy part is that when they cut the ribbon on that about a year ago, my board chair, Dave Ritonja from Ottawa, was there cutting the ribbon. Why? Because those switches are made in Ottawa. They're being deployed in Chattanooga by Power Corporation. So it was the guys who own the telephone lines, who own all the rights of way, who laid the fibre. The biggest expense was their legal fees suing Comcast, because Comcast was trying to get them to stop doing it.
If there's one thing the federal government does have control over, it is the CRTC ruling on how we can find a way to take the issue of proprietary bandwidth locations off the table and realize that we need to treat bandwidth just like water, roads, and everything else.