Thank you, Mr. Chair. I will need about two minutes. I know that the members of your committee like to ask questions.
I want to thank you again for inviting the team of the Parliamentary Budget Officer to appear before you to discuss our “1st Report to Parliament on Canada's New Infrastructure Plan - Following the Money”.
As per its title, this PBO report on following the money is the first in a series of reports on infrastructure that we plan to publish in conjunction with our regular reports, such as the “Economic and Fiscal Monitor” and the biannual “Economic and Fiscal Outlook”. We have also prepared a summary table for your committee, based on our expectations of the progress by Canada's new infrastructure plan and its potential economic impact.
As members of Parliament, my colleagues and I are quite aware that the regional aspect of infrastructure spending is, as it should be, important to you. Although we monitor the provincial share of projects, the main focus of our reports on infrastructure is to provide transparency and better clarity on how funds allocated under the new infrastructure plan are being distributed across a variety of locations, programs, and projects. Depending on the availability of data on the nature and timing of these projects, this should allow Parliament to better understand the outcomes and risks associated with the new infrastructure plan. Therefore, it would be in a better position to hold the government accountable.
It will be challenging for parliamentarians to monitor the $12 billion in infrastructure spending, since this funding will be allocated over two years and delivered by 31 departments and agencies. That is why, pursuant to our legislative mandate, we will track these investments.
My colleagues and I would now be happy to answer any questions.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.