It's an interesting question whether it should be regulated to that extent. I'd probably say yes. I went through the urea formaldehyde question back in the day, and that's a whole other story that relates to who's responsible. In that case, the government suggested you should put this in and then said you better take it out. Remember, there are federal regulations on lead pipes and solder, and so it's almost like a recall where we admit we made a mistake in 1986 and 1970.
It really has to with the quality of the water coming out of the tap. If it's efficacious to take the lead pipe out at a reasonable cost and with a loan program, that's fine. If it's not, filtering the water and alternate water sources would be options. But I think it behooves the federal government to pull all this information together, because it's not any different in Kamloops than it is in St. John's, Newfoundland.