With respect to the Emerson report, I've had a chance to at least go through the recommendations. I've flagged a couple of things, and I know that, of course, the examination of that is to come.
Again looking at recent history, we had a regime that really felt that the government in power could do just about anything it wanted to get things done and yet didn't get things like pipelines built and didn't get a lot of other things built because the public opposition ran up against it. I recognized some things in the Emerson report about acquiring corridors or promoting 24-hour operation of certain facilities, and I didn't see anything in there that recommended there be a robust public and community consultation so that you don't run into the same kinds of issues that our predecessors did on some of the major projects they tried to advance. That's more of a comment, but there should be an intent, I think, to include that, even if the Emerson report didn't.