Well, in typical Canadian fashion, we'll probably do both.
It did strike me when I read this report how much focus there was on the north. Considering the mandate that was given by the previous government, I thought the committee really did put a lot of focus on the north. There's no question it is an important area that has probably suffered from not being addressed very much in the past. Of course, there are special challenges associated with it, but given the fact that the planet is changing, including Canada, I think it behooves us to look at the north very seriously. Of course, the consultation process with the people who live up there is critical. I think Mr. Emerson and his team, in fairness, did consult with them, but we now have to decide which particular thrusts we want to focus on to help northerners, again, in the interests of making our transportation infrastructure as efficient as possible, both for people and for goods.
I think it's going to change a great deal. If you have the ship option many more months of the year, that changes a lot of things. If you have not just gravel runways but other kinds of runways, that can also change the face of things if there's a growing pressure for more people to want to go up there either for work or to live there. These are things we have to look at, because we are talking about a 20-year to 30-year horizon. Frankly, I think it's important for us, and I thank Mr. Emerson for putting quite a bit of emphasis on the north.