I'm calling the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, meeting number 51, to order please.
Good morning to all of you. It's nice to see you all back.
We gather today to study the subject matter of the supplementary estimates (C) and the main estimates for Infrastructure Canada and Transport Canada.
We will begin with the votes under Infrastructure Canada, namely votes 1, 5, and 10 under the Office of Infrastructure of Canada; vote 1 under the Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated; vote 1 under the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority; and votes 1 and 5 under PPP Canada Inc., referred to the committee on Thursday, February 23, 2017.
For the Office of Infrastructure of Canada we have with us Ms. Yazmine Laroche, associate deputy minister of infrastructure and communities; Ms. Darlene Boileau, ADM, corporate services and chief financial officer; Mr. Marc Fortin, ADM, program operations; and Mr. Glenn Campbell, executive director of the Canada Infrastructure Bank Transition Office.
For the Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges we have Mr. Claude Lachance, senior director, administration. For the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority, we have Mr. Michael Cautillo, president and CEO, along with Ms. Linda Hurdle, chief financial administration officer, by teleconference.
Finally, on behalf of PPP Canada Inc. we have Mr. Greg Smith, vice-president, finance, risk and administration, and chief financial officer.
Welcome to everyone.
For the information of the committee, it is not my intent as the chair to call for votes on these today. On April 13 we will have Minister Sohi with us, and it is my intent, our committee's intent, that we will have the votes following his appearance here.
We will start the discussion by calling vote 1 under the Office of Infrastructure of Canada.
Ms. Laroche, we go over to you for five minutes, please.