Well, there are many, and some of them are not in the safety area.
In the area of safety, there is the question of the right to have food and water during lengthy delays at airports, sitting on the tarmac waiting to either go back to the airport or to go somewhere.
There's the question of the vital space allowed to passengers, and there is some controversy in Canada and overseas over deep vein thrombosis. This is a condition that some allege may be caused by the very small seat pitches on some flights, and perhaps more commonly, on extremely long flights, if the passenger does not get up and move around.
The passenger, therefore, has some rights that are basic human rights, which may or may not be included in the code. The rest of the code will go on to such things as booking and overbooking, refunds, complaints about various matters, and so on. So it's a very vast thing, and only a portion of it bears down on the area of concern here today.