I think you have to go back to SMS and how it was designed, and the requirement to have a completely transparent system internally so that individuals could feel absolutely in a good position to report and flag any and all things that needed to be considered from a safety perspective.
I think there are some occasions where we have opposed the release of some information that would have gone against the intent of the SMS system when it was put in place in the first place. It's not that we have anything to hide with respect to the audits. In due course, all of the material ultimately does come out, and we feel that we are one of the airlines that is now in a more mature stage of SMS development. We were the first 705 carrier in Canada to be fully compliant with it. It just happened that in 2006 we were the courier that was sort of the test vehicle.
It has been a learning process for everyone, including Transport Canada, in understanding that system and making it more effective. For our part, we're happy to be a part of that. We're fully supportive of SMS, and we're doing our part to ensure that as an airline we run things as safely as possible. We're being as transparent as we can, as well.