Those periods of time in the flight are the riskiest from an aviation perspective. From a regulator's perspective, it's making sure that the regulations get through quickly and don't take so much time. We started working on runway end safety areas a number of years ago after they appeared on the watch-list, and we're still waiting for the regulation. Some airports have already undertaken to start putting in 150-metre RESAs. Some airports have actually moved to 300 metres.
Airports are starting to do that. But they do that at their own risk because they don't know what the regulations are going to finally say. So they're moving those things through quickly.
I talked about other things like the TP312 document. That's a regulatory document to which airports build and maintain their infrastructure. Twenty-two years between editions is far too long. Airports started looking to ICAO annex 14 standards for input and direction on what to do at their airports. We can't allow those processes that take so long, because they are so critical to what we do every day.