That's great to know.
If I may, Mr. Chairman, I have some comment on some of the—for lack of a better word—cutbacks that we've experienced throughout the past decade. According to the Canadian Federal Pilots Association, the civil aviation flying program of Transport Canada has been cut back starting in 2008-09 from over $8 million. Although it was $8 million in that timeframe, the data shows it being as low as $3.5 million of late in 2016-17, while flying hours have dropped from 10,000 to just under 4,000 in the same time period.
As well, if I may, the number of aircraft used in training has dropped from 42 to 14 in that same time period. The department suffered several rounds of full-time equivalent job cuts during the former government with respect to over 100 positions between 2009-10 and 2014-15.
Can I get some comment on that from one of the witnesses?