Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
I would like to move my motion that I put on the order paper on Tuesday, so I know we have it.
It's the one I read it out earlier today, so I won't read it again. I know it's been circulated to all the members.
In introducing and speaking to my motion, I made a lot of the comments I wanted to. I'll just reiterate that I introduced this motion for two reasons: the first being that we are dealing with an omnibus bill addressing a number of issues within numerous modes of transportation. The second would be that the members opposite, the government members, wanted to see us expedite the study of this bill, which I think demonstrated the need to address certain measures in the bill in a more timely way than others perhaps. That led me to ask at the last meeting if the members would be willing to break out the part of Bill C-49 that addresses the measures that are due as a result of the sunsetting of Bill C-30. As I was not able to get an answer then because of time constraints, I introduced the motion.
I want to respect and believe in my colleagues' desire to provide clarity and certainty to our producers. As I've pointed out, I don't think the time frame he's outlined within his motion will make any difference. That window has closed. I think the only way to redeem it is to break out this section of Bill C-49 and do a study as expeditiously as possible.
Thank you, Madam Chair.