Thank you for your question and for your comments earlier.
The federal government has established with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities a $50-million asset management program that was launched in May. Now municipalities have access to direct funding to help them develop their asset management plans. They also will be doing a lot of capacity building, offering training and workshops to help municipalities understand better what they need to be able to better manage their assets, including water and waste-water assets.
In addition to that, the FCM will also be doing a lot of awareness raising with local city councillors and local administrators. It's great to have a plan, but if it's not recognized at the city council table and not used as part of the decision-making, the plan kind of sits on the shelf. I think the local awareness raising that the FCM will be doing around asset management and its importance will really go a long way in helping us move the bar on asset management planning. Then that would feed into the data and the Canadian public infrastructure survey we will be launching with Statistics Canada later this summer so that we can actually start to collect that information in a more comprehensive way.