For sure.
The truth of the matter, honourable members, is that we threw the cat amongst the pigeons with the airport authorities. They're very comfortable organizations these days, I have to say. They've mounted a very strenuous lobby campaign to basically argue that everything is good and nothing needs to be fixed. Frankly, I think it's up to people who dig into this to look at the underlying weaknesses, because it was 25 years ago that the airport authorities were basically created. At the time, there was a thought that maybe they should be for-profit authorities because they're essentially amenable to private sector finance. There is a relatively easy way to contain the for-profit influence that a shareholder would bring. To me, it's just so important over time that you have a shareholder looking at and applying discipline to the way capital is being spent and operations are being run at some of these authorities. Today, they are really nice facilities, but going forward it's not clear that we're going to be quite as happy, because the cost base is building up.