Thank you very much to our witnesses, to our chair, and to my colleagues, for being here.
I'll focus my questions on the portion of Bill C-49 that deals with air travel for now, and start with the passenger bill of rights.
You mentioned in passing, Ms. Borges, how these stories sometimes make the news in a rather undesirable way. It doesn't surprise me that some of these videos go viral and I think it's because when we see a passenger mistreated, we have an emotional and visceral response because it sometimes reflects our own experience. I've had my articles of clothing come out one at a time on the conveyor belt before. I've been sitting on the tarmac for hours at a time and I've had my instrument delayed an entire flight before I could pick it up, so I respond the same way the public does and I understand the frustrations.
You mentioned at the beginning a laundry list of the irritants and that language was to be required to be put in place so that essentially consumers understand what the remedies are and how they can enforce them. Could you perhaps go into greater detail to assure Canadians that they are going to have a remedy when their rights are infringed.