I can take that one.
I think that's a good question and a very good point. We're also a little bit miffed in terms of why soybeans and soy products weren't included in schedule II. To your point about an opportunity for a regular review of that schedule, I think that's a fair proposal and a good proposal, because we do see a shifting agricultural landscape in western Canada.
Using canola as a primary example, 20 years ago we saw almost no canola planted in western Canada. Now we're up to 20 million acres at 20 million tonnes. It's a real success story. We need to have flexible policies and opportunities in place to address issues when they arise, and I think there's an opportunity to review schedule II to include soy. Right now with soy in particular, but I'm sure there are other examples down the road as well, we see a tremendous opportunity for expansion in acres and movement of that particular commodity.