I'll start with that.
That's a good question. Really, for Bill C-49 to work for processors in particular it's the long-haul interswitch. Out of all the grain shippers in western Canada, processors were probably the biggest utilizers of the extended interswitch.
Again, similar to my testimony, it breathed some semblance of competition into the marketplace and provided an opportunity for many of my members, not just to leverage better service but also to access markets that we previously weren't able to access, primarily into the United States. Seventy per cent of our vegetable oil and protein meal produced in western Canada ends up in the United States. To have a level of competition and access to carriers that can move our products to markets that were previously untapped has generated invaluable benefits to our member companies, but also down the value chain to our growers as well.
Access to new markets means new growth potential for our processing facilities as well. That competitive element drives business, profitability, and it drives value throughout the entire value chain.