I didn't actually get to our recommendation in the last go-round. Because of where WCSC's members are located—outside, typically, that 160-kilometre radius—some of them have facilities within the 160-kilometre radius or the potential to develop facilities in that radius. From that perspective, the 160-kilometre regulated interswitching rate is much preferable because you can actually use it in planning purposes. A one-year rate that will change every year depending on factors that you have no control over.... You can't use that in a business plan. You can't use that to attract investment.
A regulated interswitching rate, one that everybody sees, that's transparent, and that people know as they're planning their business and negotiating how they participate in this with the local and connecting carriers and everybody else involved, is much more user-friendly. Beyond that radius, though, as I said, it all depends on whether or not the connecting carriers are prepared to compete. From that perspective, CLR, LHI.... CLR has less restrictions than LHI does. My personal perspective is that it's a bit of an academic debate because I don't see a huge uptake on either one of those in the current environment.