Yes, I understood your question completely, but I will answer in English, if I may.
With regard to fatigue, we take fatigue quite seriously. Our company has been advocating, for example, for a 12-hour maximum workday, as opposed to the current 18 hours. We hope that's going to be a change that will come into effect eventually.
In the meantime, as my colleague Sean said, we're working closely with the unions, because some of the issues around rest are tied up in collective agreements. But we don't dismiss the fatigue issue at all.
That said, it's one lever among several that we need to pull. In our view, LVVR is a critical tool and it has been proven in other realms in transport that it is extremely effective, particularly when you can have proactive use respecting privacy. We have absolute respect for privacy, Canadian privacy laws, and we think that we can address it in a balanced manner that balances risk with privacy protection.