I could take this one, and then maybe Norm could.
We've definitely seen an increase in harvest volumes year over year. We have an upward trend. If you take a look at the last five years, we're now talking about a crop of 65-million tonnes being an average crop. Man, if we'd gotten that number 10 years ago, we would have been busting the rafters of our elevators. We definitely have more and more grain coming off the fields during harvest time. That's attributable to changes in agronomic practices and changes in technology. Farmers are operating with better practices and that sort of thing.
If your question is what has changed to give us comfort that we won't end up with a similar situation to what we had when we started seeing some of these big crop volumes, from our perspective nothing has changed. We don't have a change in the competitive environment. When we had Bill C-30 and we had extended interswitching, we had a glimpse of a change in the competitive environment, but that has sunsetted. We don't have Bill C-49 passed yet, so really, nothing has changed in the competitive environment and nothing has changed in the legislative environment to give us comfort that if we don't get something passed here, with tools we can use like reciprocal penalties, we won't go back to the situation we had in the past.
Does that answer your question?