No, that isn't the case. I know that it's a very tempting thing to say, but I can tell you that U.S. shippers are frustrated by what they have. What they have is more than what we have on this front, but what we should do because of our modern data ability—data gathering and data transferring abilities—is to make this stuff transparent. Why should it be transparent? If it was a normally functioning market, you wouldn't need that transparency. The market would take care of everything by itself. Because they're monopolies—that's why we talk about data disclosure. This hiding behind the veil of confidentiality is just a red herring. It does not occur in the United States. There is some data that is kept confidential until you get inside a process. So now, just to bring it back to where you started, if you can get into the final offer arbitration process, nothing works more like a charm, from a railway's perspective, than saying, “uh-uh, no, I'm not going to tell you my cost.”
Good luck, shipper, trying to find out whether your rate is high or low.
Good luck, arbitrator, trying to find out whether the offer of the carrier is reasonable in relation to anything, because their shipper doesn't have anybody else's rates. They're confidential. The rates are confidential, so you can't do a comparative thing. All you have is the cost to compare your rate against.