Yes, I would say on the final offer arbitration tool specifically, as Pierre has said, the changes that we too are asking for would basically be let's make it easier to use, and let's make it cheaper to use, and more accessible for shippers to use if, as a last resort, you have to go there.
Again, I would settle for just giving the agency the power to investigate matters that deserve a closer look on their own. I would be happy with that change to the bill and I would just leave final offer arbitration the way it is, but if that's the one you want to focus on, let's make it easier to use.
Our shippers are what's known as manifest shippers, so they depend on a hodgepodge of client commodities being shipped, whereas they're shipping unit trains, which are entirely different phenomena and it changes the dynamics of the relationship. That being said, it makes it even harder for members of my association to use that type of tool and without being too dramatic, that's one of the reasons why I don't see any of my members sitting beside me here this morning, because given the outcome of some of those matters and the way the railways can treat them after that kind of a case, it doesn't always work out well for the shipper. It's the job of the association to show up at places like this and propose changes to tools like that.
Thank you.