Thank you, Madam Chair, and thank you all for being here today. It's good to hear from another group of stakeholders. I look forward to the questions and answers that we're going to hear over the next hour.
I noted earlier today that this is very important work and mentioned how important your remarks are today in providing this committee with the information we need to ensure that the right balance is struck in addressing the issues that exist in our transportation system.
We know that this is not the first time your input has been sought to aid us as parliamentarians in these deliberations. In fact, we know that the Minister of Transport has had the CTA review for almost two years and that broad consultations have been done by Transport Canada and many others, seeking input into how to structure the Canada Transportation Act going forward. It's important that we get it right. It's important that we structure legislation that ensures market access for our producers and an efficient means of transportation.
I will note that every witness to testify so far has recommended changes to this bill, and all have identified issues with the long-haul interswitching provisions, with the exception perhaps of the last witnesses to testify here this morning.
I would pose a question to all of you, and you can each take your turn in answering it. What will be the long-term implications for your industry if the technical amendments that you are proposing are not made to this bill?